Velmenni is a New Delhi-based startup headed by current CEO Deepak Solanki in 2012. It was the first ever venture to explore the possibility of Visible Light Communications technology in India. It is focused on developing LiFi solutions that can transmit wireless data at extremely high speeds using visible light. Their team is working tirelessly in the achievement of that cause. It has successfully pioneered several research and development milestones within the field and is focusing more on the optimization of the connectivity to achieve high-speed communication without any interference.
Currently, the company successfully created a LiFi-based mesh network solution that allows the transmission of data across long distances. It is working with Airbus BizLab in with the hopes of integrating this piece of technology in the aviation industry through its various applications in ground, motion, and air – areas where the installation of optical cables is next to impossible.
At its core, Velmenni aims to create viable technology that can integrate seamlessly with current WiFi technology to create a robust, sustainable network in any setting. Its core vision is to build technology using science and research that can be applied in various environments, resulting in absolute global empowerment.