Why We Need LiFi Technology

Oct 28, 2021

Our modern lives aren’t complete without the internet. Most of us need to be online to work, study, shop, make business deals, connect with loved ones, or simply get entertained. Our internet use has even increased in the past year, as we live through a global pandemic. Thanks to WiFi, we can be connected 24/7, whether we’re at home or outside for a moment. But here’s some flash news—while WiFi is everywhere, we can’t use it forever.

WiFi is a wireless technology that utilizes radio frequencies to transmit internet data to our phones and laptops. You can say the same for cellular or mobile data connections. The radio spectrum, however, isn’t infinite. Eventually, WiFi and cellular technologies won’t be able to keep up with the everyday demand for data from millions of people from all over the world.

There’s a need for another form of wireless technology. This is where LiFi technology steps in.


LiFi: A Great Alternative to WiFi and Cellular Technologies

LiFi is a visible light communication (VLC) system that transfers digital signals through light. It combines wireless connectivity with your usual overhead lighting or desk lamps, allowing you to go online while getting the light you need to move around a room. Since it isn’t dependent on radio frequencies, LiFi can keep you connected when WiFi and cellular connections can’t. Plus, it offers other advantages that can revolutionize your internet use.


Why We Need LiFi Not Only in the Future But Also Today

With LiFi, the world can avoid the spectrum crunch or overwhelming demand for data. It’s a good tool to prepare for the future, as millions of people continue to rely on the internet to do their day-to-day activities. But LiFi isn’t only for the future—you can explore and use it now.

Multiple companies have launched LiFi products you can use in your home or office. Some of them have even started developing LiFi for modernizing different industries. Nevertheless, you can now enjoy life with LiFi. Here are some scenarios where you can use it:


Use LiFi to experience revolutionary speed

Digital signals transmitted by light are way faster than those carried through radio waves. Companies that tested LiFi projected it to be up to 1000 times faster than WiFi. It can transmit 224GB of data per second. If you need to download a high-definition video or send large files online, you can do it in a matter of seconds at that speed rate.


Connect to LiFi for better data security

These days, phishing and other cybersecurity attacks are common. It can be easy to carry out these attacks because radio waves that pass through walls are interceptable. People outside your WiFi network can penetrate your connection and compromise your data.

With LiFi, you can add an extra layer of security to your data. Light can’t pass through walls—it bounces off hard surfaces instead. So, when you use LiFi in an enclosed room, you can ensure your connection is secure. If you run a business that deals with sensitive data or simply want to boost your security online, you can use LiFi for your vulnerable devices.


Utilize LiFi to foster a sustainable lifestyle

With LiFi, you have wireless connectivity and light in one device. That efficiency can help your household save on energy costs, especially if you use routers and signal boosters all day long. Plus, when you leave a room, switching the light off means turning off the LiFi as well. That simple change in energy use can have a big impact on Mother Nature.


Switch to LiFi if you live in dead zones

Another reason you need to switch to LiFi today is to stay connected even when you’re in dead spots. Say your studio is in the basement, or you live in an area where WiFi is scarce. You can benefit from LiFi significantly, as it works in dead zones. Again, it doesn’t rely on radio waves—you only need a stable source of light in a dead spot to connect to LiFi.


Enjoy LiFi Today

While it’s a much-needed technology for the future, LiFi can make your life easier as early as now. Go and get excited about this revolutionary tech. Explore available LiFi products today.

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